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Guide Migrate Boot Partition to Another Drive in Linux (+ LUKS encrypted)

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Aug 18, 2023

Migrating The Boot Partition to New Disk​

1. Boot from a Live CD
  • Download any Linux distro (Linux Mint, Kubuntu, Ubuntu... anything. Doesn't have to be the exact copy of the system we are rescuing.) to a USB stick using
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    or your preferred tool. Choose "try" to boot without installing the distro.
  • When booting press F2 (open the boot menu) chose the Live CD and Boot from it.
  • Don't install it, chose TRY (safe graphics)
2. Clone the Boot Partition:
  • Use dd to clone your existing boot partition to the new disk.
  • Example:
    sudo dd if=/dev/old_disk_boot_partition of=/dev/new_disk_boot_partition bs=4M
    Your boot partition will be aproximately 100-512mb and only part of it will be written (example 32mbs) the rest will be free empty space.
3. Mount Necessary Partitions:
  • List your partitions
    This will show a list of your partitions but make sure to open a graphic user interface program to be certain anything like Gparted, KDE partition manager will do the job.
  • Mount the partition that has your Linux installation (nvme0n1p2 in our example)
    mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt
  • Mount the dev, proc, sys and chroot into the system
    mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
    mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
    mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
    chroot /mnt
4. Update /etc/fstab:
  • After the copy is complete, edit /etc/fstab and replace the old boot partition's UUID with the new one. Find the partition ID with:
  • Open the fstab with an editor of your choice nvim/nano/vim
    sudo nano /etc/fstab
6. Update GRUB:
  • Update GRUB to recognize the changes.
  • Example:
    sudo update-grub
5. ONLY IN CASE OF MIGRATING Encrypted Linux LUKS Partition to another drive:
  • Use dd or another tool to clone the LUKS partition to the new disk.
  • Example:
    sudo dd if=/dev/old_disk_luks_partition of=/dev/new_disk_luks_partition bs=100M
6. Rename LUKS Device:
  • After cloning, rename the LUKS device using cryptsetup luksOpen. Make sure to add the same name to /etc/crypttab as used during luksOpen.
    sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/new_disk_luks_partition new_cryptroot
7. Update /etc/crypttab:
  • Open /etc/crypttab and replace the old LUKS device name with the new one.
    sudo nano /etc/crypttab
8. Update Initramfs:
  • Update the initramfs to include the changes.
    sudo update-initramfs -u
9. Reinstall Grub:
Make sure you are chrooted into the system that you are migrating!
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub
If you get any errors, never ignore them but always DuckDuckGo them or ask for help! The process must finish without errors.

9. Unmount and Verify:
  • Unmount everything that we mounted
    umount -l /mnt/sysumount -l /mnt/proc
    umount -l /mnt/dev
    umount -l /mnt/boot/efi
    umount -R /mnt
  • Reboot your system and verify that it boots correctly from the new disk.

Remove Old Windows Partition (ONLY if needed):​

Identify Windows Partition:
  • Use lsblk or fdisk -l to identify the Windows partition.
  • Bash:
    Identify the entry corresponding to Windows, usually labeled as "Windows Boot Manager."
     efibootmgr -b <Windows_Entry_Number> -B
  • While chrooted navigate to your new EFI/BOOT partition (replace /dev/nvme0n1p1 with the actual EFI partition).
    cd /boot/efi/EFI
    # Remove the Windows folder.
    rm -r Microsoft
Update Initramfs:
  • Update the initramfs to reflect the changes.
    sudo update-initramfs -u
Remove Windows Entry from GRUB (if dual-boot):
  • If dual-booting, remove the Windows entry from GRUB.
    sudo update-grub
Remove Windows Partitions (Optional):
  • Use fdisk or another partition management tool to remove the Windows partitions.
Note: Always make backups before making any changes to avoid data loss. Double-check commands and verify changes with a GUI partition manager.