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Guide đź“‹ Creating an Engaging Forum Post 🔧👨‍💻

Choose this one if you are writing a guide
Aug 18, 2023
Crafting posts that capture attention and spark discussions is easy with this guide. Let's dive in!


1. Clear Title:
  • Keep it short and meaningful.
  • âť—Use bold keywords for visibility.
  • Example: "Trouble with GPU Drivers: Need Help!"
  • âť—Use emojis in the end of the title but don't add too many!
2. Simple Language:
  • Write clearly, avoid long sentences.
  • Explain your issue concisely.
  • âť—Example: "Graphics card [MODEL] issue. [Problem here]"
3. Bullet Points:
  • Break down complex info for clarity.
  • Use bullet points for easy reading.
  • Organize info into key points as in this Example:
    • System Specs:
    • Mention [OS, hardware, software]
    • âť—Issue: [Describe the problem briefly and steps to reproduce.]
    • Steps Tried to Fix the problem: [1,2,3...]
    • List attempted solutions.[1,2,3...]
4. System Details:
  • Share system config and versions.
  • Mention any recent changes.
  • Help with accurate advice.
5. Be Respectful:
  • Show kindness and patience.
  • Respect others' time and efforts.
  • Foster a positive environment.
6. No Begging for Likes:
  • âť—Quality content speaks for itself.
  • âť—Asking for likes or votes may get you banned without a warning.
7. Give to Receive:
  • Engage with others' posts.
  • Offer help and share insights.
  • 🤗 Help us build a supportive community.
8. SEO-Friendly:
  • âť—Bold key terms for visibility.
  • Helps readers and search engines.
9. Stay On Topic:
  • âť—Stick to the main subject.
  • âť—Avoid off-topic discussions.
  • Maintain post relevance.
10. Problem Solving:
  • âť—Mention attempted solutions.
  • âť—Describe what didn't work.
  • If you are answering a post - suggest new ideas.
11. Follow-Up:
  • âť—Always post an update when the issue is solved!
  • âť—Mention the successful fix and what didn't work.
  • Aids others with similar problems.
12. Privacy Awareness:
  • Protect personal info.
  • Focus on technical details.
  • âť—Keep sensitive data private.
Assistance with AI Language Models:
  • Ask about language models.
  • Follow clear guidelines.
Closing Thoughts:
Contributing positively to our community is easy. Follow these guidelines, and together we'll learn and grow. Explore FAQs and guidelines for more help. Happy posting! ;)


Global Admin
Staff member
Aug 15, 2023
Well done! Hopefully others go trough this before making a new post. This guide is great! Post locked and pinned.